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Linkedin esettanulmányhoz néhány update

2007.12.11. 21:01 | kritta | komment

Címkék: web2.0 stratégia linkedin

Az egy hónappal ezelőtt esettanulményként vizsgált és megoldott Linkedin háza táján történtek azt mutatják nem jártatok rossz úton a javasolt továbbfejlesztési stratégiák kapcsán (a Techcrunch cikkét kicsit boncolgatva):

Út a reklámbevételek irányába (harc a Facebook-kal):

LinkedIn, the social network for professionals, is trying to establish itself as a better destination with a stronger presence on the web. As a better destination, LinkedIn would experience higher levels of user engagement and more page views, which in turn would translate into greater advertising revenue. With a stronger presence, the site would grab mind share away from rising competitor Facebook, which has already become a household name for many.

Hogyan tegyük aktívabbá a visszatérést?

A new homepage, with a focus on providing users with reasons to return more often, is under development and meant to turn LinkedIn into a better destination...The three homepage components meant to entice users back to the site include on-site messaging, news articles from around the web, and “network updates” (i.e. a news feed). On-site messaging is not new but will now enjoy prime real estate on the homepage, with the inbox sitting on the top of everything else. The news feed, which will be given third greatest prominence, will display the network activity of people in your network.

Hogyan tegyük értékesebbé, személyre szabottá úgy hogy a célcsoport számára oly értékes időtényező se legyen gát?

Most notable is a new feature that will display headlines from around the web which may be of professional interest to you. Unlike the early version of this system that Erick stumbled upon, the most recent iteration of LinkedIn’s news aggregator - the one featured on this beta homepage - will not require any manual training. It will rely on its own algorithms to automatically determine what you may be interested in reading, in part using the history of what other people in your network have read to make its selection News articles will be filterable by topics such as: most read, company, competitors, and industry.

Márpedig egy API kell

...to build a stronger presence on the web by providing an API, previously disclosed but until now without any real details available. There’s still not a lot of information, but the company has disclosed that it is actively working with select group of partners to develop applications with the new API.

Forrás: http://www.techcrunch.com/2007/12/09/linkedin-api-and-new-homepage-drawing-near/

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